Stuart and Bernie at Ironman Arizona 2012.
Great job guys!
Bernie hammering it on the bike during Ironman Arizona 2012
Check out that optimum aero position
David living the dream at the World Ironman Championships
on the Big Island in 2012, just 4 weeks after racing at
the 70.3 Half Ironman World Championships: all on less than 16 hours a
week thanks to TriathlonPro's customized training program. Great job David!
David crossing the line at the finish of the World Ironman
Championships, 2012.
TriathlonPro Coach Erik Seedhouse in a world of pain at Mile #32 during the
52.4 mile Ultraman run, 2008
TriathlonPro Coach Erik Seedhouse at his
favorite Olympic distance race - Lavaman
Outside Lava Java, Kona's most popular coffee shop. From left to right: Jeremiah Madden, Sara Madden, Erik, and Dan. Jeremiah and Sara each made it to the podium - Congratulations guys!
Dan - a future Lavaman athlete - came over to the island to soak up what the Big Island had to offer after spending far too long on a frigate somewhere in the Indian Ocean. Glad you could make it Dan. See you back there in 2015!